Saturday 4 February 2012

Post Halt No. II - Driven to solutions in a roundabout way

Gatvol of reading about Hardwick Street? 

Maybe, but not quite as gatvol as those who have to travel the wretched road every day.

Funny thing though, there are some who think that the stop streets are great because it forces people to come to a stop obey the rules.Those who believe this obviously do not use the road frequently.

Certainly those who turn into Murchison Street don't come to a stop. Two vehicles will drive round quickly in succession. Don't worry about jumping on the hooter in frustration because these drivers look dead ahead and remain oblvious to the middle fingers being jabbed upwards and towards them from all directions.

They know they're doing wrong, but they don't care.

What has always confused is why the powers-that-be have never considered installing traffic circles.

Certainly, there's no on-going electricity cost, they calm the traffic without bringing it to a standstill and there's something pleasingly asthetic about them.They work for both major intersections and smaller ones.

The traffic light on Allen Street near BMW and Majuba College would be ideal for a roundabout. Sure it will take time for taxi drivers to be taught how to use them, but as with Pavlov's dog, they'll get the idea eventually.

Absolutely ideal would have been the N11 and Allen Street intersection - you don't need convoluted three-phase traffic lights or anything - just a big round thing with a pretty garden right at the entrance of the town. 

If there's one palce that definitely needs one, it is that horrid traffic light that welcomes you to Ladysmith from the Newcastle side. This must absolutely be the worst designed traffic light intersection in the universe.

Then there's all the stop streets and speed bumps along Victoria Street. Remove the speed bumps, put in a small circle at every intersection and, Bob's your Uncle, the traffic is slowed down - but never to a complete halt. Sure there will be an outcry from local shock-absorber replacement workshops as trade takes a massive slump, but, hey, you can't keep all the people happy all of the time (besides, they probably already have enough business from Memel Road travellers anyway).

Be all of that a it may, perhaps just one of people who take a municipal salary and ply their trade in the over-populated town planning department will take note of the traffic circle idea and set about investigating the viability of it.

They can even claim the idea was there's orginially, it doesn't matter.

All that matters is that general conversation can centre around normal things like the weather again, because all this talk about Harwick Street is about as enjoyable as sitting in one of those stop-go queues on the N11.

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